The editorial content on is not influenced by any funding sources, including advertisements. Advertisements on this site are distinguished by “Ad”.
Who is Subject?
All advertising on Artists4WorkersChoice including strategic partner sites linking directly from Artists4WorkersChoice, licensed to use any Artists4WorkersChoice brand, or licensed to use Artists4WorkersChoice content, is subject to this policy. Links from advertisements are subject to the same criteria. Advertisements may not link to pictures or text which do not follow these criteria or is deemed inappropriate by Artists4WorkersChoice.
Content Guidelines
In general, Artists4WorkersChoice does not accept advertising that we know either contains false or misleading claims or promotes ineffective or dangerous products. Artists4WorkersChoice also does not accept advertising for alcohol, tobacco, firearms or pornography. Furthermore, advertisements MUST NOT contain the following themes either in graphics or text:
1 Illegal – pictures or text advocating materials or activities of a dubious nature which may be illegal in any or all jurisdictions, such as illegal business schemes, chain letters, copyright infringement, computer hacking, phreaking (using someone’s phone lines without permission) and software piracy.
2 Drugs or drug culture – pictures or text advocating the illegal use of drugs or substances used for other than their primary purpose to alter the individual’s state of mind (ex.glue sniffing).
3 Gambling – text advocating gambling relating to casinos, betting, numbers games, on-line sports or financial betting, including non-monetary dares or odds related info. Lottery ads are exempted.
4 Violence – pictures or text exposing cruelty, physical, or emotional acts against any person or animal which are primarily intended to hurt or inflict pain.
5 Intolerance – pictures or text advocating prejudice or discrimination against any race, color, national origin, religion, disability or handicap, gender, or sexual orientation including any intolerant jokes or slurs.
6 Militant or extremist – pictures or text advocating extremely aggressive and combative behaviors, or advocacy of unlawful political measures; “how to” information on weapons making, ammunition making or the making or use of pyrotechnics materials; use of weapons for unlawful reasons.
7 Profanity or vulgarity- obscene words, phrases, and profanity; pictures or descriptive text of anyone or any thing which are crudely vulgar or grossly deficient in civility or behavior or which show scatological impropriety. Included such depictions as maiming, bloody figures, or indecent depiction of bodily functions.
8 Nudity – pictures exposing any or all portions of the human genitalia; pictures exposing the female breast or full exposure of either male or female buttocks. Advertisement may include swimsuits.
9 Sexual acts – pictures or text exposing anyone or anything involved in explicit sexual acts and or lewd and lascivious behavior, including masturbation, copulation, pedophilia, intimacy involving nude or partially nude people in heterosexual, bisexual, lesbian or homosexual encounters. We will not accept phone sex ads, dating services, and adult personals, CD-ROM’s and videos.
10 Cult – content, pictures, or text advocating devil worship, an affinity for evil, or wickedness; advertisements must not contain advocacy to join a cult (a closed society that is headed by a single individual, or group of individuals, where loyalty is demanded and leaving is punishable.)
11 Competitive – pictures or text with promotions or other mentions for direct competitors of Artists4WorkersChoice or its parent companies.
12 Advertorials – consumer health articles provided by companies who advertise on the site.